BrandArena: SLOT Takes Business To Online, Mobile App

Tuesday 21 July 2015

SLOT Takes Business To Online, Mobile App

In a bid to further create convenience for its customers, the Slot Systems Limited on Thursday unveiled an online platform, the and Slot Mobile App.

Speaking on the new platforms, the Group Managing Director of Slot, Engr. Nnamdi Ezeigbo the teeming slot customers would have access to the company and its products on real time bases.

He said the and Slot App is not just a presentation of new products but a n opportunity to promote value and reputation of slot company. “We have brought to you slot on your fingers tips. An enabler that will make use access 50 retail shops of slot products real time.

“This is a new trade where customers can exchange their old phones for new ones.For us it is about value with emphasis on cost saving, this is the right time to go online.”

The mobile app comes with version 1.0, one-on-one chat, and notification of hot deals, promos and order. 


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