BrandArena : MWC Kigali 2024 to Spotlight Connectivity's Role in Africa's Socio-Economic Growth

Tuesday 17 September 2024

MWC Kigali 2024 to Spotlight Connectivity's Role in Africa's Socio-Economic Growth

GSMA’s MWC Kigali 2024 will make its highly anticipated return to the Kigali Convention Center from 29-31 October 2024, bringing together key innovators and political leaders from across Africa. As the continent's largest and most influential connectivity event, MWC Kigali aims to accelerate the digital economy and drive socio-economic development.

The event will feature a series of keynote speeches and panel discussions, led by industry thought leaders and top enterprises. The sessions will revolve around four core themes: Connected Continent, The AI Future, FinTech, and Africa’s Digital DNA. Notable confirmed speakers include Sunil Taldar, CEO of Airtel Africa; Kate Kallot, Founder & CEO of Amini; Mats Granryd, Director General of GSMA; Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General of ITU; Pelonomi Moiloa, CEO and Co-founder of Lelapa AI; Serigne Dioum, MTN Group’s FinTech CEO; Hon. Paula Ingabire, Rwanda’s Minister of ICT and Innovation; Derrick Ashong, CEO & Founder of Take Back the Mic; and Louis Manu, CEO of Wi-Flix.

In a historic first for Africa, MWC Kigali will also host the GSMA Ministerial Programme, reflecting a deepening commitment to advancing Africa's digital agenda. This programme will bring together influential telecommunications leaders to address crucial policy and regulatory issues shaping the future of the continent's digital landscape.

Additionally, GSMA’s Mobile for Development (M4D) team will lead the charge in using digital technology to bridge global inequalities. The ‘Mobile for Development Theatre’ will return, offering sessions and discussions on topics like AI for impact, humanitarian innovation, agriculture, climate, and digital inclusion. The Mobile Money Leadership Forum will also be back, focusing on the latest trends and innovations in mobile financial services.

The MWC Kigali keynotes will cover some of Africa’s most pressing digital connectivity issues. Keynote 1 will discuss how digital technologies are driving socio-economic development in Africa to address the continent’s unique challenges. Keynote 2 will focus on the transformative potential of AI, including how it can drive sustainable and inclusive growth across Africa. Keynote 3 will see speakers explore the rapid evolution of Africa’s Fintech landscape and the technologies impacting investment opportunities. While Keynote 4 will explore how the evolving content landscape is allowing African content creators to be heard and celebrated globally.

An agenda of GSMA Summits will be hosted during the event, inviting industry leaders and policymakers to discover the issues affecting enterprises in areas from network security to diversity in tech:

  • The Security Summit will tackle the most pressing security challenges mobile network operators face today, in the context of a rapidly evolving cyber risk landscape.
  • The Digital Summit will explore the digital economy’s potential in Africa, exploring how digital technologies and policy reform can drive significant socio-economic growth in Africa.
  • The AI Summit will cover both the vast potential and the associated risks of AI technologies in Africa, as the technology’s prevalence grows in the global economy.
  • The 5G Summit will address the barriers preventing the technology’s widespread adoption and ways to unlock its potential for both enterprises and consumers.
  • The Diversity for Tech Summit will focus on the urgent need for greater disability inclusion in Africa’s tech sector, ensuring that people with disabilities have access to the tools and opportunities they need to succeed.
MWC Kigali is held alongside the Africa Health Tech Summit and FEWA (Future of Education and Work in Africa), offering an in-depth exploration of connectivity challenges and opportunities in the health and education sectors. We are proud to have the support of our stellar line up of sponsors, exhibitors and event partners, including Africa CDC, Africa Union, Huawei, inABLE, MTN, the Republic of Rwanda, Smart Africa and ZTE.

For more information, follow our updates on the MWC Kigali Press Zone or visit Accredited media are invited to register here for a complimentary pass, which is required for access to the press centre.

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