BrandArena : Atoyebi, Sosan, others speak on responsible fatherhood at Lagos Boys Conference

Monday 4 November 2019

Atoyebi, Sosan, others speak on responsible fatherhood at Lagos Boys Conference

Efforts by a renowned Lagos based non-governmental organisation, Predictable Future Foundation (PFF) to grow values and ethics among the male folks in Nigeria received a huge boost as the fathers’ breakfast and Boys conference organised by the group recently in Ikeja ended in a huge success.

The two-in-one programme that took place last Wednesday at the main hall of the prestigious Dansol High School, Ikeja-Lagos attracted over 500 school boys and many dutiful and responsible fathers.

Starting with the fathers’ breakfast that lasted for almost 2 hours, an array of inspirational speakers spoke extensively to the fathers on the theme - Raising the king in your son.

Chairman of the occasion, Mr. Olufemi Peter Atoyebi, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) and industrialist who also chaired the second segment of the programme, reminded fathers present of their roles in moulding the minds and future of their sons. He explained that the examples that fathers project, will always provide the pedestal on which their sons will position themselves to becoming great leaders and responsible fathers in future. A 28-page manual that can help boys become future leaders was unveiled during the Fathers Breakfast.

Special Guest of Honour at the occasion, Princess Sarah Adebisi Sosan OFR, a former schoolteacher and former Deputy Governor of Lagos State spoke extensively on the need for boys to imbibe characters like integrity, hard-work and respect for others. This, she explained was the surest route they can take towards becoming real men.

Speaking from practical analysis for anyone to apply, Femi Atoyebi SAN., revealed that the male child is an endangered species because the enemy of mankind knows that if he allows the male child to flourish, the world will change positively. Atoyebi SAN., restated that Satan may change his strategy, his goal to destroy remains the same.

To avoid destruction, he identified three things boys must watch with caution - the internet/social media, disrespect to parents and negative peer influence. He called on all boys present and their fathers to regulate the time spent on social media to control its disruptive and distracting influence. He urged the boys to equally respect their parents and rise above peer influence if they want go through the processes of life to become successful in future.

Another speaker, Bolutife Oluyomi, a leadership consultant and Faculty member of the renowned Daystar Leadership Academy shared in very captivating manner how and why boys should have role models. He advised strongly that each boy should pick role models basically for the values and character they exhibit. He listed such values to include hard-work, excellence, financial independence, truthfulness among others

Other speakers at the Boys Conference include Olusola Obabori, Redstar CEO who spoke about godly character and knowledge acquisition, Ayodele Oyebanjo, Chairman of PPF who spoke excellently about the importance of being determined to make impact and a team of discussants, Dele Sotubo, Jerry Sawyer, Charles Nnochiri and Armstrong Adedugba, who all impacted the boys through their life histories.

Commenting at the end of the event, an obviously elated convener and founder of Predictable Future Foundation (PFF), Hannah Oyebanjo expressed her fulfilment and joy at the level of impact the programme has made. She explained that although the main focus of the foundation is providing education for less privileged girls in the Nigerian society and to positively re-channel and re-focus deprived girls back to education, his team decided to shift slightly when many observers and supporters pointed out the need to equally do something for the male child if the development of the girl child is to be consolidated for a better future. "Today's success reveals that we took the right step and we are poised to consolidate on this with more programmes, conferences and activities in the near future" Oyebanjo stressed.

 Faces of attendees of the Fathers Breakfast meeting and Boys Conference radiated excitement and satisfaction as they all went home with loads of amazing benefits- gifts from Premier Soap, Free mini book on becoming a Future King sponsored by Nestle Nescafe among other freebies. The CADAM team was on ground to provide counselling on addiction, while investment tips and other financial opportunities were provided by the team from Stanbic IBTC Investment. 

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