BrandArena : Africa’s Fortunes will Shape the World - Osinbajo

Friday 27 July 2018

Africa’s Fortunes will Shape the World - Osinbajo

According to the Vice President of Nigeria, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, democratization of technology is quantum leap for Africa’s development and the continent will continue to shape the world with its fortunes.

“This Century is Africa’s Century. Why? Because Africa will, for good or ill, play the defining role in global development.  Africa’s fortunes will matter across all the trends shaping the world. I say for good or for ill because either scenario is possible. If Africa fails on these important development issues, because of our sheer size, the global impact will be catastrophic and if it succeeds the global impact will be incredible”, The Vice President said this while speaking at the Google for Nigeria event holding at Landmark center, Lagos State.

Osinbajo said: “Technology has put great power into our hands, as individuals, but more importantly as co-creators and collaborators, to positively and dramatically change the course of human existence. With it, we can solve many of the problems that confront us.”

He revealed that Nigeria will partner with Google and other service providers to boost internet connectivity in the country.

Osinbajo stated that Nigeria "will be partnering with Google and other technology providers to achieve the level of connectivity that will match the creativity of our people.”

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