Wednesday 17 January 2024

Isale Eko Descendants Union Celebrates 70th Birthday of Veteran Actor Jide Kosoko

The Isale Eko Descendants Union (IDU) have extended their warm wishes and congratulations to the legendary Nigerian actor, Prince Jide Kosoko, on reaching the remarkable milestone of his 70th birthday.

In an official statement signed by Chairman Adeniji Kazeem (SAN), the union expresses joy at celebrating Kosoko's incredible contributions to the Nigerian entertainment industry and his unwavering commitment to the arts.

Kazeem, in the press release, commends Kosoko as a distinguished figure, not only for his unparalleled talent as an actor but also for his versatility and dedicated service to the world of film and theatre.

The group acknowledges that Kosoko's performances have not only entertained audiences across generations but have also served as a source of inspiration for aspiring actors who hold him in high regard.

Kazeem fittingly describes Kosoko as a true 'Omo Eko Pataki,' emphasizing his role in upholding the dignity of the revered Eko royalty and consistently projecting the ancient city in a positive light through his numerous works and engagements.

"His artistic endeavors have become a source of pride for the Isale Eko community and the entire nation," stated Kazeem in the press release.

"Beyond the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry, Kosoko's commitment to cultural and community engagements further solidifies his status as a cultural ambassador. The Isale Eko Descendants Union acknowledges and celebrates this enduring legacy that reaches beyond the silver screen.

"The 70th birthday celebration of Prince Kosoko serves as a moment of reflection on the joy he has brought to countless hearts through his illustrious career. It is a celebration of a man who has not only made a mark in the entertainment industry but has also contributed significantly to the cultural tapestry of Nigeria.

"We, the Isale Eko Descendants Union, express our heartfelt gratitude for Prince Kosoko's invaluable contributions to the creative arts. May this milestone birthday celebration be a beacon of joy, reflecting the impact of a career that has touched the lives of many. As Prince Kosoko enters this new phase of life, we wish him continued success, good health, and happiness in the years ahead."

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