BrandArena : Why Nigerian IMC Industry Need to Think Global and Build Local

Friday, 15 May 2015

Why Nigerian IMC Industry Need to Think Global and Build Local

Globalization has caused dramatic changes to business practices around the world. Companies such as Microsoft, P&G, Samsung, and Coca-Cola have continued to emback on aggressive marketing with the use of intergrated marketing communication tools.

Some of the multinational companies across the world have started outsource specialists from various parts of the world, causing job shifts and changes in companies’ structures.

The mass media are seen today as playing a key role in enhancing globalization, facilitating culture exchange and multiple flows of information and image between countries through international news broadcasts, television programming, new technologies, film and music.

If before the 1990’s mainstream media systems in most countries of the world were relatively national in scope, since then most communication media have become increasingly global, extending their reach beyond the nation-state to conquer audiences worldwide.

International flows of information have been largely assisted by the development of global capitalism, new technologies and the increasing commercialisation of global television, which has occurred as a consequence of the deregulation policies adopted in many countries across the world in order to permit the proliferation of cable and satellite channels.

Moreso, emergence of interenet, blogs and social media allow us to bridge cultural and geographic divides, engaging with people all over the world who might be interested in our products, services, and ideas.

Marketers aiming to engage with consumers across devices, points of sale and geographies now need to realise that the consumers are now expose to so many things which psychologically is shaping what triggers their attention and buying motive. Thus brand-owners, technology developers, agencies and other service providers are spending lot of resources to study consumers behavior, trends and culture.

Nigeria is not just the biggest economy in Africa, but it is also the most populated and populous country in the continent. With over 85 million audience being exposed to the mainstream and social media media everyday, there is a need for Nigerian IMC industry to begin to think global and act local in a way that will make them achieve their goal of building the clients' brands and reputation.

The IMC industry as grown at par with the Nigerian economy in the last 20 years.

The emergence of modern trades and the rapidly changing trends in business chain reflects that the Nigerian economy is growing. They say Nigerians are getting poorer by the day but our spending keeps increasing. All multinational that are growing have continued to do so because Nigerian populace is spending more and the IMC has grown along that line.

What the people need to know is that there is a difference between economy and challenge. You may be facing challenging situation, overcome them and still grow. If those challenges were not there perhaps our growth might be bigger.

The last time our economy waddle was during the global economy meltdown that found its way into our economy. The current challenge Nigeria is facing now is not that our economy is not growing and it’s not diversified but the issue of how to diversify our source of national income because we rely on oil for some time now. It is a peculiar problem that we can solve with the government", he said.

Some agencies have benefited so well from having international affiliation. Some might have not had it so well - depending on the affiliation agreement that you have with those foreign agencies with is more or less master servant. Some agencies through that have been able to have an international training and exposure which they also take those knowledge to actually use and when other juicy account for themselves.

They have the some big account been drop on their lapse without having to go and pitch for it. so the benefit is convert the benefit for yourself to other channels that will make your agency grow better. Affiliation is good and agencies just need to understand that they are competing in a global environment for consumers that are global citizens. 

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